Friday, April 2, 2010

April 15 Webinar: "The Power of One: Greg Mortenson's Crusade to Promote Peace through Project Learning" | Edutopia

April 15 Webinar: "The Power of One: Greg Mortenson's Crusade to Promote Peace through Project Learning" Edutopia

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday and I woke up at 4am.  I was so exhausted when I got home from Roan Forest meeting yesterday that I ate dinner and tried to watch a movie but just couldn't stay awake.  The great thing is that when I did wake up I felt very rested!!

Because of being awake so early I read email, which I haven't done in quite some time.  Read an article about Itunes and then I learned you can download free education "Podcasts" that can be viewed at school.  C O O L :)  The website has many teacher training videos.  This is a must see weblink